Our mission and vision shows that we hold high expectations of ourselves and each other. Our uniform policy is designed to convey these high expectations and enable all children to feel proud of their appearance and proud to be a part of Ark Franklin
Uniform unites us as a community: we learn, practise, play and succeed together.
Uniform reduces distractions: we are focused on our learning.
Uniform makes us all equal: we come to school looking the same way; no one has to feel awkward about the clothes they have or don’t have.
Uniform gives us all an identity to be part of and proud of.
Uniforms are professional. Pupils look smart and ready to learn.
We recognise that school uniform represents a cost to families and have reduced our requirement for branded items. The school will always provide uniform for families in need and have allowed for many items to be unbranded and purchased more cheaply from many retailers.
Uniform requirements
Items marked with an asterisk are branded with our colours or logo and can be bought from our uniform supplier, ACE Clothing:
- For pupils in years Reception to year 4, a sweater or cardigan with Ark Franklin logo*
- School tie*
- Pupils in year 5 and 6 may choose to wear the Ark Franklin blazer or wear the sweater/cardigan.
- White shirt: short or long-sleeved depending on the weather
- Grey skirt, trousers, shorts or pinafore
- Grey or white socks or tights
- Summer Uniform: Purple gingham dress or purple polo shirt with logo* (Summer term to October half term only)
PE Kit
- White polo shirt with Ark Franklin logo*
- Purple sweatshirt (for outdoor PE)
- Black shorts and/or plain grey jogging bottoms
- Appropriate footwear is essential: plain black or white trainers should be worn with as little branding as possible
Nursery children are welcome to wear the full school uniform, as detailed above but we recommend that children wear:
- Grey jogging bottoms
- White polo shirt
- Purple sweatshirt
Purchasing school uniform
Our uniform supplier is Ace Clothing, located at 5a, Courtenay Rd, East Lane Business Park, Wembley HA9 7ND.
Second-hand items
Any unwanted items of uniform may be given to the school office. We host regular second-hand uniform sales where good quality items can be picked up for low cost.
Lost property
We ask that all clothing is named, including shoes, so that lost items can be returned to their owner. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage of pupils’ property and valuables. All mislaid items are placed in the lost property box located in the school office. Please ask the school office if you wish to look through this box. We endeavour to return all named property and will make unclaimed items available periodically throughout the year.
Any unclaimed items at the end of the year will be washed and made available to parents.
If pupils are not dressed in the appropriate uniform parents will be contacted and asked to bring missing items in. Pupils who repeatedly do not wear their uniform may be required to attend lunch reflection. However, if you or a family that you know are struggling financially, please do come and speak to us.
All clothes, including rucksacks and trainers, should be clearly labelled with your child’s name using a permanent marker or nametapes.
Hair Styles
Children’s hair is to be worn in an appropriate style with no extreme styling or unnatural colours: mohicans, shaved lines/patterns, or shaven heads are not permitted; long hair must be tied back out of the eyes. Please ensure that all hair accessories are in Franklin’s colours, purple, grey or white and are for practical, rather than adornment purposes. Hijabs should also be purple, grey or white in colour.
Jewellery is limited to one wristwatch and small stud earrings. If a child is wearing more jewellery, they will be asked to remove it and it will be returned at the end of the school day. Any “smart” wristwatch or device – for example one with internet access, playable games, or a recording device - is not permitted in school.
Bags, Rucksacks and Stationary
Children in years Reception, 1 and 2 should bring an Ark Franklin book bag with them to school each day. Children in years 3 to 6 should only bring an Ark Franklin rucksack. Children should not bring in personal items of stationery, such as pens, pencil cases or colouring pens, the school will provide everything that is needed.